Zertifikate für Server und Nutzer
We received information from DFN that Sectigo has cancelled the SSL-contract effective 10th of January 2025. DFN has collected the available facts and some answers here. That means that we need a new Certificate Authority before then.
LRZ-PKI is working on a continuation strategy that will be actionable around mid December. If you have further questions, you may open a Servicedesk ticket.
Before we get locked out of Sectigo’s services, LRZ-PKI will use the Sectigo-API to trigger a renew on all TLS-certificates provided by us. This will give you the longest runway possible. It is of course not required to install the renewed certificate right away. You can use current certificates until their natural expiry-date and then switch as usual.
Zuletzt aktualisiert: Fr., 22.11.2024 13:08